
Models are valued contributors to our artistic community. From September – May every year, GCA’s Model Coordinators book models to pose by day in our full-time core program and during the day, evenings and weekends for our part-time program. Every June, July & August we book models for daytime workshops and evening classes. The length of the commitment varies for each booking. The dates and times will be emailed prior to confirmation. Models are engaged to pose nude for figure and clothed for portrait.
Since models are independent contractors, they are not eligible for unemployment insurance. No taxes are deducted and Form 1099 will be sent to models no later than February of the next year. Models must abide by our Code of Conduct at all times. This Code is viewable on our Admissions page.
If you are interested in modeling, please first read the policies contract and then fill out an application.
If there are openings, a Model Coordinator will be in touch regarding your availability.