2025 Fellows

Mary Jane Ward
Hometown: Columbus, OH
The work I make en plein air, immersed in a landscape could not be made in any other way. Working en plein air changes my relationship to a place. The plein air process provides a way of learning deeply and intimately about a place, through careful observations, curiosity, immersion, and a meditative pace. I also love the challenges that come along with plein air painting, the necessary ingenuity of figuring out a set-up that works well, the reality of my own limitations in heat or distance or patience, the need to adjust at times if a storm arrives or some other unpredictable thing changes my plans. This willingness to adjust and pay attention to my surroundings keeps me open to the present moment, and challenges me to find the balance between my hopes for the art-making process with the reality of what presents itself in the moment.
I hope that when other people see the landscape or area that they are inhabiting as worthy of drawing and painting, that it wakes up a part of them to seeing their surroundings with fresh eyes, and sparks inspiration to do what they can to help steward and protect the land and environment we all share.
The Hudson River Fellowship has been enriching to me as an artist. I have formed friendships with artists who inspire me. I have pushed myself to keep seeking growth as an artist. Bringing a group together with the amount of drive and curiosity as the groups of Fellows I’ve had the pleasure to paint with over the years is incredibly special.